Thank You for Bringing Us Along Your Grandparenting Journey.
We're so excited YOU'RE here!

Your Grandma Camp Checklist should be arriving in your email inbox within the next 15-20 minutes. While you're waiting, I'd like to share something that will make your Grandma Camp planning easy and save you hours of time scouring the internet.

Have things felt a bit upside down lately?

Are you ready to play with your grandchildren again?
It's time to get back together and have some fun!

You've Been Waiting For a Year. . .

This past year has been a tough one! Not being able to hug and snuggle the grandchildren has almost been the very worst part of it all. Have you been longing for that moment when you can be face to face with your grandkids WITHOUT a computer screen between you?? Since you're here. . .I'm guessing that time has finally come!

Feeling like you need to make up for lost time? Let me show you a great place to start.

Is this you. . .

  • "I feel a bit overwhelmed by the thought of putting together a summer camp for the grandkids that lasts a whole week."
  • "With things getting back to normal, my grandkids are  so busy again. I'm not sure how I can schedule a summer camp with them."
  • "I would love to do a summer camp for the grandkids, but I just don't know where to start."
  • "I just don't have any creative ideas to entertain the grandkids for a several days."
  • "I'm a busy grandma, but I would love to get the grandkids together for a least a couple of days of fun."

I completely understand!

A few years ago, I felt the SAME way! I was a bit intimidated by the thought of putting together a multi-day summer camp for my grandkids. Without much information to go on, I kind of just made it up as I went. Now, there's nothing wrong with that approach, it just takes more time, patience, and energy to do it that way.

The other issue I'm facing is that my grandchildren are getting to the point where they are busy all summer . Finding time to do a week-long camp is becoming very difficult. 

So. . .I came up with a better plan. . .weekend mini camps. We call them GRANDMA CAMP WEEKENDS!

Hold a mini camp weekend any time of year. . .not just during the summer months

Less time, money, and
energy needed to hold just a weekend camp

You can fit a weekend camp into your grandkids busy schedules

You're not limited to having a fun camp experience just
once a year!

So What IS a
Grandma Camp Weekend??

In addition to your summer camp (or instead of it), you can get the grandkids together for a mini camp weekend experience. The beauty of this is that it isn't limited to just summer time. You can do these on long 3-day weekends, holiday or seasonal breaks from school, or even during the summer if time is limited.

Grandma Camp Weekend Summer Bundle at over 65% OFF!

ONLY $17

Reg. Price $55

This bundle is the ultimate resource to connect with your grandchildren for a weekend camp or just an afternoon together. These special times with your grandchildren are all about making memories that will last a lifetime!

The Resource Guide and Planner will walk you through setting up a weekend camp experience for you and your grandchildren. The planner will keep you organized so you will have more time to spend with the kids.

The Lazy Daze Summer Theme Activity Packet will save you hours of time in planning and coming up with ideas. For those who need ideas or are creativity challenged,. . . we've got you covered.

Here's what you get:

  • Grandma Camp Weekend Resource Guide & Companion Planner - The Resource Guide has 30+ pages of how-to & the Companion Planner has 15+ organizational sheets for easy planning. (a $35 value)
  • Lazy Daze Summer Theme Activity Packet - This great activity packet has crafts, games, activities, outing ideas, printables, tutorials, and of course all the fun things to turn it all into a weekend camp. So, whether your hosting a weekend with the grandkids or just an afternoon of fun, you will have year-round fun and ideas! (a $20 value)

Get the Summer bundle at over 65% OFF! 

ONLY $17

Reg. Price $55

Here's Why Our Grandparents Love the Activity Packets 

Connect & Build Memories

Connect with your grandchildren through fun, creative activities.

Every moment counts.
Don't waste time wondering how to build memories with those precious grandchildren.

All in One Place

This collection of spring-themed activities is a great resource to have when you need a quick afternoon activity or a full range of activities for a Weekend Grandma Camp.

Saves Time

Save hours and hours of your time on having to scour the internet or books for ideas on how to spend quality time with your grandkids.

Here's What Our Grandparents Have Said About the Activity Theme Packets. . .


Your activity packet got me inspired and excited! Thank you for the motivating ideas.
Grandma K.B.


Thank you for your creativity and resources. They're a lifesaver!
Grandma C. N.

Colorful & Easy

I loved that your packet was so colorful and full of fun springtime activities! My kids loved making and playing with the pinwheels. They were so easy to make and the prints are so cute! Love this great packet!
Bree H.

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